Mayon Volcano, Philippines

Mayon Volcano, Philippines
Mayon Volcano

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Thrift Stores Philippines Style

So I have to confess after 3 months of wearing the same clothes over and over – it is getting ugly, so I went to a local ‘thrift store’ the other day. Clothes all over the place hanging on bamboo poles – dirt floors and hard to even get a handle on what they had it was so packed with stuff. But of course I had another of those interesting Filipino experiences. It was a particularly hot and humid day, having rained most of the morning. I found a couple shirts but I wanted to try them on to be sure they fit ok. The first woman found me a mirror and turned the fan on to face me so I could try it on. The second store – connected to this one - I walked over and found a shirt and also asked for a mirror which they produced and as I am trying the shirt on - on top of my shirt – the young woman brings a bamboo hand fan and stands in front of me to fan me to make sure I’m am not so hot as I try on the shirt. It was so cute. They are asking a bunch of questions – the older woman doesn’t speak English so thru the young girl she is asking where I am from and why I am here etc, you know the typical thing here. The young girls says “oh you are so kind” – not sure what I did to deserve that but it was lovely. She was the kind one – standing there fanning me while she is in the sweltering heat. I bought the shirt mostly because they were so nice and I thought what the heck its 50 pesos about ($1.17). Another one of those moments that makes this all an amazing experience in the Philippine

Friday, September 14, 2012

Cagsawa Ruins: A Memorial for a Tragic Past

Got a chance to visit this site last weekend – it is just below Mayon volcano – and represents a memorial to the lose of over a thousand lives in the eruption in 1814.

“A lone church bell tower rises in the landscape with Mt Mayon dominating the horizon behind it. This scene is famously depicted in many postcards throughout the Philippines. The bell tower is what remains of the Cagsawa town, about a few minutes ride from Legazpi City. When Mt Mayon erupted in 1814 it engulfed the whole town in fiery lava. The people fled to the church but were unable to escape the lava flows. Only the church tower remains from this 19th century town to serve as a memorial for a tragic past”

Hot stuff - Donna Summer Style

So the last few weeks at my site we have been attending a number of training's -things like emotional arousal (now that one got me going) and counseling techniques, development of livelihood (vocational) programs for residents at the center and next week is a training on developing treatment plans. All this is fun and interesting and I appreciate the nice diversion of being away from the Comun- MTRC neighborhood and hanging out in a different town – Legaspi. I also of course can’t complain about a night in a decent hotel with hot showers and nice bed. But these picture gives you a glimpse of what they do in training here after lunch or for an afternoon ice breaker. They dance..Yes they have a video projected on the screen with loud music and a follow along a kind of Nintendo Wii character - Donna Summer ‘Hot Stuff’ anyone? Can you see us trying to pull this off in the States?

Filipinos are having a great time, singing along and following the dance steps and I’m thinking how do I get out of here… it is kind of cool to watch though how much folks here get into it and how much fun they are having.

Saturday, September 1, 2012

Real Cheese

I was so close to giving in - today I went to the market and was tempted to buy the only cheese I have found in the Philippines -processed Cheez Whiz type stuff. Ugh. Low and behold as I am perusing my local grocery store at the LCC Mall for the first time in the small refrigerated section there is a hunk of Australian Matured Cheddar cheese. I am in heaven.I figure so what if it costs about $5.40 for about 1/2 lb block - it is so worth it to me. I've been craving cheese.Such small pleasures, but such a treat. Made my day.