Mayon Volcano, Philippines

Mayon Volcano, Philippines
Mayon Volcano

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Shopping excursion 7-2-12

So I am learning about patience even more and about being cared for and protected by my hosts. I got to hang around the center from Friday to Monday evening – as travel alone to the small town was discouraged right off. I also think my introverted ‘do things on my own’ style isn’t going to work so well here. I am not likely going to get to do a lot of things alone. Filipinos are a communal people – so doing things together is the norm. And they want to do everything for me – which is hard – I feel like I am imposing, but they seem to genuinely want to do stuff for me to assure I am comfortable and have everything I need.

I was happy I got to leave the center on Monday evening for an excursion to Tabaco City – about 20 minutes away by trike (a motorcycle with a side car). Amazingly this small enough transport fits 6 passengers and the driver – and apparently in the morning on the way to school even more kids pile on. The cost is about 30 pesos. I was accompanied by an entourage of staff eager and happy that we waited till after 5 pm to make the trip so they could all join me. Quite fun being escorted up to the 3rd floor of the small department store to the households section and receiving recommendations on a pot and pan and the few other settling in items I wanted to purchase. Of course none of the gals cook – so they really had no idea what pot was best – but encouraged my decisions towards one brand over the other. They also helped at the grocery store and again I am guided to sections for different things I am looking for and one person pushes the cart, the other gets my produce items weighed etc.- they even carry my packages. I have a feeling I’m going to be really spoiled by the time I leave the Philippines.

Everything still remains new and interesting – so much more to see and learn – the days are filled with both a calm easy pace and the ongoing adjustment to new things. More to come…

1 comment:

  1. I am wondering if you have a "rice cooker" yet? We got one....and use it at least once a week.
