Mayon Volcano, Philippines

Mayon Volcano, Philippines
Mayon Volcano

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

what's up here....

So a few things I’ve been doing:

I started getting out in the morning and going for walks – which is great – I get some exercise and it’s always interesting to be the ‘foreigner’ walking around the neighborhood. A lot of those same kids that greet me now remember my name – so it’s good morning Janett – so fun.

I also found a place on the roof of the treatment center – resident’s aren’t allowed up there – so I can go up and read or watch the sunset/sunrise or just take in the Mayon Volcano – it’s nice to be outside but also have some privacy – which as I mentioned previously is hard to come by in the Philippines.

I had a mini-epiphany – a few weeks back it dawned on me that instead of sitting around bored and moping about my lack of something worthwhile to do I could go out and find something a little more meaningful. Of course I would have loved for it to be with women – but I live near a small town and there aren’t many options. But I did find a Children’s Home nearby and I stopped to visit a couple weeks back. The Sisters of St John the Baptist – are from Italy (which I love that connection) – seemed good with me stopping by on Sunday’s to visit and then we talked about trying to arrange a way for the older kids to come to the Drug Treatment Center and we can do a short session on drug awareness & prevention with them. So I went to hang out with the kids a second time this past weekend – it was fun. I shared a map of the world and had them find Virginia and a bunch of other places and then I shared photos on my laptop and I had like 20 kids huddled around me peering into my laptop. I’m going to try to find some info on simple games we could do and also stuff on teaching basic English – lots of the younger kids don’t know much yet and the Sisters were happy if I wanted to do some of that. So I’ll go on Sunday’s as I can and visit and just enjoy all that bouncy energy.

I’ve been reading like crazy – what a luxury. I am so happy to find decent books to read – and excited that even 9000 miles away my local Ashland library offers digital books so I can download them for free on my laptop and read away.

Went to a Catholic Mass a couple Sunday’s ago – it was actually kind of nice – the sermon was in English and was about sharing with those less fortunate. Of course I was the only American in the big church of 100’s of Filipinos- but I’m kind of getting used to that.

And lots of getaways and exploring - every weekend I go somewhere. I’ve been to Naga, Bacacay Beach, and Legaspi City – and with the exploring in an increasing confidence in navigating the transportation in the Philippines. And now I’m so looking forward to my upcoming weekend adventure– 4 days at a beautiful white sand beach Aug 18-21 going to Catanduanes Island (Monday and Tuesday are Philippine holidays) It’s described as: Catanduanes island is located in the easternmost part of the Bicol peninsula, separated from the mainland Bicol by the Maqueda Channel and the Lagonoy Gulf. Catanduanes, which they also call, “An Eco-Adventure Paradise,” is for those who like nature at its best. The whole strip of this pearly island of the Pacific is almost untouched, unblemished, and unexplored. Can’t wait.

So time flies when you are having fun… 2 months already in the Philippines – 4 to go

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