Mayon Volcano, Philippines

Mayon Volcano, Philippines
Mayon Volcano

Friday, October 5, 2012

Manila and back

I was back through Manila this past week for almost 3 days in an area about 35 miles away called Tagaytay, near Mount Taal volcano, one of the smallest active volcanoes in the world. (Taal formation, is a crater within an island within a lake) Unfortunately it was so rainy and foggy I never got to see hardly even a glimpse of the lake and volcano a block away. I may just have to return. Manila is actually only a one hour flight from Legazpi – but of course transportation here means at least a ½ day of travel to get from site to there.

On short notice PC ended up asking me to participate in a close of service conference for the group # 269 that is finishing up their 2 years. I sat on a panel to talk to them about career paths and opportunities post PC. Partly the new training director was finding me a way to get a break from my site, which I was most grateful for. Nevertheless, I did get to talk to a number of volunteers interested in both the Response program and in being social workers. It was heartwarming to hear their enthusiasm for translating what they have learned to having careers as social workers. It also gave me opportunity to reflect on my 30 year career and the path I chose. I actually felt kind of proud to be part of this quirky group of people that have served in the PC – (even if I’m not done yet and haven’t done near the time these folks did in serving for two years) It was also great to be a witness to the batch as they wrap up their service – I was really inspired by them (102 made it – out of the 140 that started).

Of course folks got a laugh out of my naiveté – I got to my room and it had no electricity – I’m like what’s up with this? – called the front desk and they had to show me where you put your room key in a slot to have the power activated - what I hick I am, we don’t have this fancy stuff in Malinao. But it was great to get away –refreshing to be in a really nice hotel, hot showers, internet, and good veggie food options… it was heaven. – A chance to recharge and get some new perspective.

This photo is what I might have seen if it wasn't so foggy:

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