Mayon Volcano, Philippines

Mayon Volcano, Philippines
Mayon Volcano

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Departure Count Down

Well it is finally happening. I am leaving for the Peace Corps and 6 months of service in Philippines. My flight is June 15 - 2012 In one way it seems it took forever to get here. And in another it is all working out perfectly. I actually looked back and realized I submitted my original application to the regular Peace Corps program in December 2010 – talk about a process and a ton of paperwork. Delays included a medical deferral having to wait the 6 months for another mammogram result. (They didn’t like what they saw on the first one) Things shifted in February 2012 when I submitted my application for the new Peace Corps Response program – that has gone a little quicker – but still had its bumps – phone interview and invitation in March with a leave date suggested as early May. My last day at work was May 4 – expected to leave on May 18 – even had a ticket and an itinerary – then 2 days later I was told my departure was delayed until June 15 so I could travel with another PCRV. As of June 6 after my return from 10 days in Guatemala I had no details – So I contacted my recruiter in DC and things have moved smoothly since then. I even had a conference call with the recruiter and ‘Milo’ the Philippines Response Program Coordinator yesterday. The person I was going to travel with is ending up not going at this time – she has a medical deferral – so I am going solo, but expect I will be meeting up with other Peace Corps folks once I arrive. I am even going to get to go to a couple sites during my orientation to meet up with some folks already doing projects. My Visa was one last piece that needed to come in – and looks like that will be picked up tomorrow and mailed overnight to me on Thursday. I also found out this week that I am only the second – yes second person to be assigned to a Peace Corps Response Volunteer (PCRV) assignment. The other is a 73 year old woman who is working in Jamaica since May – so nothing like making history while I’m at it – or is it being a guinea pig for the Federal Government? I’ll let you know in 6 months which I think it ended up being. ( So now that it is really happening I am still excited, a little more anxious with the reality settling in and all the things one has to do to unravel one’s life for being away for 6 months, but given I’ve actually had like 2 months to be getting ready I am feeling pretty good about it at this point. Leaving the house and my world at the Cliffs feels a little hard – but its part of the deal for doing this. A friend is going to be staying at the house – so basically things are covered. I’ve loved, loved, loved being ‘retired’ – it’s a major stress lifted off your shoulders and the weather has been lovely in Richmond. So I did a number of projects around the house, visited with friends and got myself organized to leave – but it’s been great to stay up late, sleep late, be totally unaware of time – do just what I feel like doing. Of course I knew there was an end to it – because I imagine endless do nothing would get to me after awhile – but it’s been GREAT while it lasted. So the adventure begins… I’ll keep you posted - more to come….

1 comment:

  1. Hi Janett,

    I'm pretty sure they meant you're one of two PCRVs on assignment so far this year. There was a lady in 2009 who went as a PCRV and she was with a batch of 6! You can follow her blog here,

    Good luck and happy adventures!
