Mayon Volcano, Philippines

Mayon Volcano, Philippines
Mayon Volcano

Saturday, June 30, 2012

Welcome Program at my site

Arrival in Malinao proved a lovely experience.A short one hour flight from Manila to Legaspi - then about a 45 minute drive to my site. Staff and residents of the MTRC organized a program of singing, dancing and flowers for my arrival. A large banner was hung on the entrance door and the welcome of smiles and excitement filled the day. I am settling in - my room is wonderful and they went to a lot of trouble to make things very nice for me. It is large and has everything I will need including a refrigerator, water cooler, closets, my own bathroom and even a TV - wow. Bucket baths will be the mode of operations, but that's ok. I have a lovely view from outside the front of the building of Mayon Volcano. I can't wait to explore the area - I am very close to Tabaco City and that will likely be the center of my weekend activity. Internet is very slow in this rural area around the center. So updates/photos and contact will be more challenging than I expected. But I'll find a way. The first weeks are suppose to be observation and getting to know folks and my project. So I am also learning to slow down which is good for me.

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